[ShadowsocksR] SSR功能详细介绍&使用教程 – 软体猫:APP喵:2021-2-27 · SSR windows 双击红色小飞机(4.0是64位,2.0是32位) 日常用到两种方式: 剪贴板批量导入ssr://链接 如果你的 SSR 供应商有提供批量 SSR 服务器配置链接,你就可众复制之后通过这里导入。服务器订阅 add网址
Resources: Back to School Info, Meals, Emotional Wellbeing
小火箭(Shadowrocket)配置ss/ssr教程 - 网络跳越:2021-6-11 · 除非服务端支持,不要勾选“fast open”。备注填一个好记的名字,比如“香港cn2”。配置完后点击右上角的“完成”,程序提示“保存成功”,程序回到主界面,“服务器节点”下方出现刚才添加的服务器。7.
If you need to enroll your child for the 2024-2021 school year, please contact the school office at (562) 420-7552 or email cvonarx@lbschools.net. School staff will guide you through the online enrollment process. Enrollment packets are available to download/print via the Cleveland 2024-2021 Enrollment Packet link located on this site under Parent Resources.
Class Code: heo354c
WRAP families, please use the Class Code above to access the WRAP virtual program throughout the summer. Please sign in at your soonest convenience as the date of your first meet will be posted through the classroom.
If you are unable to access your Parent Vue account to view your child's records and grades, you will need to visit your child's school office and present a picture ID and ask them to print the letter. Activating an account is a one-time process. If you've already activated your account, a new letter will not cancel out your account. You will need to use the "Forgot your password" link to retrieve your password
Our Guidelines for Success:
Cleveland students and staff ROCK!
We are:
Responsible and Respectful
ssr节点购买网址aring and
For more information on our Safe & Civil program, see the page under "Our School".
Please click on the link below for your child's supply list for the 2024/2021 school year.
Reading Book Lists: Looking for book titles for your child to read. The state of California has put together a site with reading lists just for your child according to their STAR test English Language Arts score. Use the score to pick the appropriate level book for your child.
Book Database Search: California Department of Education's database search engine site. Great resource for finding books for your child or student.
Spelling City: Your child can enter his/her weekly spelling words and do a variety of activities include taking a pretest and a variety of other games.
Starfall: This site is for early readers. Choose your child's level, interest and type of literature. On-line stories are interactive and will read to your child.
购买ssr节点服务: Book Adventure is a FREE reading motivation program for children in grades K-8. Children create their own book lists from over 7,000 recommended titles, take multiple choice quizzes on the books they've read, and earn points and prizes for their literary successes. Book Adventure was created by and is maintained by Sylvan Learning.
Story Line: Members of the Screen Actor's Guild read favorite children's stories on-line.
Click on the links below to get more information
HLO Technical Support Resources
Summer Crafts, Fitness and More (WRAP)
Family Resource Centers Offer Summer Counseling and More
Fireworks are Illegal in Long Beach
Thoughts from Retiring Supt. Steinhauser
We proudly offer the original Preppy Kindergarten Program, now called Transitional Kindergarten (T.K.), along with a science lab, a gym and technology instruction through every grade. Cleveland has a full computer lab as well as a mobile laptop lab called C.O.W.s (Computers On Wheels).
The Cleveland Team consists of dedicated, enthusiastic professionals whose goal is to develop life-long learners who are self-sufficient, productive members of society. The team holds high expectations, provides rigorous curriculum that meets the needs of each student, and maintains partnerships with the school, home and community.
SS/SSR/V2Ray 服务商(机场)推荐 - 聪聪 Blog:2021-3-13 · 全节点支持SS,V2Ray, 还支持Surge 4 Proxy List和Quantumult X List功能,还可众自定义服务器节点列表。 套餐: ¥168/季, ¥288/年, ¥388/年, ¥488/年, ¥588/年, ¥688/年, ¥1288/年, ¥1888/年, ¥3000/年